Setting up the Netgear Nighthawk Mesh system to work as 3 nodes (access points) with the Nighthawk RAXE450 router
Default IP for Netgear Nighthawk Mesh: - this is the IP you will need to access after factory reset. Factory reset with the router Mesh cube (with the ethernet and internet ports) plugged in but nothing else connected. Reset by holding the reset button for 50 seconds. Lights should change.
Default username: admin
Default Pw: password
When you create a new password it MUST be 10 characters, have symbol and a capital letter. It will let you create a character that doesn't fit these criteria and then won't let you login, you will have to factory reset.
When you get in, screen will look like this if the router cube is set up as ACCESS POINT - it says it on the top :
Then, click Advanced Setup and Wireless AP
Check the box "Enable AP Mode". Then, scroll down and select the first option to get the static IP from main router. Click APPLY in bottom right corner
Check the box "Enable AP Mode". Then, scroll down and select the first option to get the static IP from main router. Click APPLY in bottom right corner
Devices may be logged into either the WiFi for the Access Point or for the main router, either will work. The devices will be seen by both.
After you set it up as the Access Point, you will plug it into the router using the INTERNET port.
You might have to go in and set it up as access point again under the new IP. to get the new IP to login into, either look in the router or the Nighthawk app. You can login to the new IP with the new credentials you created earlier and follow the steps above to se up as Wireless AP. This time it should stick.
The IP of the MR60 will change, so you will have to look it up each time before logging into it.
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