Sunday, September 29, 2024

Ginger Ground Beef Donburri

This is quick, easy and yumsy. 
Make some sushi rice and this meal is done in about 10 minutes overall. I don't have the final picture...this was just our leeks sauteing first, will add more later! 


cooked sushi rice - we usually make 8 cups, not all gets used, but makes for great fried rice later
1lb ground beef
1tbsp ginger, we use the lemon zester, but can be chopped or minced, whatever works
1 tbsp brown sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
peas, green onions, or whatever you want to mix in!


1. Zest/mince fresh ginger
2. Combine soy sauce, ginger and sugar in a bowl and mix

2.5 If using onions or green onions fry them first with oil/butter until softened, then add ground beef. Else, go to step 3. 

3. Add ground beef to skillet, break it up- add in the soy sauce mixture and cook for about 5 minutes until done. 
4. Add in peas if you have them and cook for another few minutes. 

What we liked:

This is so quick and easy. Everyone loves it. 

What we didn't like:

Nothing, it is great

What Kaspian thought about it:

All the kids love it

Next time:

No changes necessary 

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